Well, Grace started school yesterday. It was a good start for her. I was there the whole 2 hours of orientation, just to show her my support (she don't need me there,anyway). She did well, and was brave enough to follow the teachers and all her little friends. She even tried to console a crying friend...that's my girl. As they are conducting everything in English and Grace is mostly Mandarin speaking, she, at times, was a little lost. But with a few guidance, she's good to go. Overall, she love it. BUT....only one day of school and my little angel is sick!
Caught a fever early this morning, thus had to skip school. A very high fever, due to throat infection. Too bad she will have to skip school for the rest of the week, until she fully recover. Will let her join again next Monday.....
And since I'm already blogging, let me introduce you to my friend's son Ian, whom Grace adores. I think, Grace is ever ready to become a big sister.