Wow! Time really flies.....Elise is now 2 months old! She's getting well with all members of the family (Chees and Ngs) or rather we are getting well with her crying and fussing around.
And she's growing...she's now 4.54kg, 52cm long and her head is 37cm.
She has been doing:
this when cuddled...

this when not attended to...

this when sending and fetching big sister to/from school....

this during free time....

....other than that,
she also did some cooing when talked to,
her fingers found their way to her mouth,
managed to turn from her back to her tummy once,
able to recognize my smell (odor), my voice and my face, which means...very picky in terms of who gets to cuddle her, which means, most of the time she wants me!