Well, I could understand her excitement....they had been training and practicing for this event for the past 3 months!!! and the teachers had been telling them lots about it.....how could a 5-year-old not be excited with it!!!!
Well, it was a long wait for her performance to finally be on stage....but we were not bored at all, as all the other shows were super cute too....and we enjoyed every moment of the waiting time.....and I was of course overwhelmed when I see my girl doing her dance.....
She was selected to join the 6-year-old class in the "Kingdom of China" dance.....
I've ordered a DVD for the whole event and so, my camera was specially for my girl... it was zoomed towards my girl....hehehe...yes I am bias.....
It was so dark and their make-up was so excessive....we couldn't recognize our own daughter!!!! We need to look for her by looking at her shoes!!!!.....
She did a great job....really proud of her....
And here are the photos with her "fans".....