Well, Grace was unwell during the weekend, but we still managed to squeeze in a birthday dinner on Sunday night.
The dinner was at Suffolk House Restaurant....a last minute arrangement, and by the way, was by myself....sigh again....
The dinner was superb, good food, good ambiance, err....let's not talk about the price....
Grace was being very nice that night. We got through the dinner (it was a set dinner) without any fuss from her, that being mummy was prepared with papers and pen for her to get busy on. She even got a compliment by a foreign couple for being so well-behave.
Thanks dear, an undisturbed dinner (or meal time) is all I want nowadays.....no need for expensive gifts, a good and well-behaved daughter is the best gift!
Happy birthday, Yeong Shong. Wish you many happiness in the years ahead. Glad you enjoyed your dinner with your dear ones.
Happy Birthday dear! Glad you had a nice dinner.
Happy belated birthday Yeong Shong. May you have a blessed time in a year ahead.
Talk about undisturbed dinner, yesterday we'd rather push Fidel in the stroller for one hour until he fall asleep before he had our dinner. :)
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