Grace is a picky eater and I'm not a very good or adventurous cook, thus the problem.
Our weekly lunch menu will almost always looks like this:
Monday - Spaghetti
Tuesday - my off day, at my parent's place
Wednesday - Porridge with 2 dishes
Thursday - fried rice or noodle/ or sometimes noodles with soup
Friday - Rice with 2 dishes or eat out
Boring....right? I too feel bored......and I think, the little girl too!
And so, last week, I decided to have sandwich for lunch and here's Grace's reaction.
It's funny she's excited about sandwhiches, that's all we ever make for lunches. How about the American classics Peanutbutter and Jelly or grilled cheese!! You could do a USA day and cook American food and have Gracie speak English and practice her new language!
By the way you look beautiful with that little baby bump!
Yeongshe's Coworker Nora
I sent this post to the girls at work and they all asked me about sandwishes. The truth is Asians don't eat a lot of sandwiches but it's a common food(especially lunch) here in the US.
Like Nora said PB&J is a classic American sandwich, it's quick and easy. I don't know if Grace likes cheese or not. Grilled cheese sandwich is really just bread with American cheese but you "toast/grill" them bread in a skiller on low heat until the bread is brown, turn over on the other side and do the same. By the time both sides are done, the cheese inside is also melted.
If she loves sandwich, you can make many different kinds: chicken, fish or even pork.
Ta Chie
What is that round stuff that's in the same bowl as the hotdog?
Nora...thanks for the USA day idea...I'm sure to do one....
Ta Chie...that's ham....
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