Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I'm getting a little frustrated with the slow Internet connection..patience...patience. But some sites are totally not accessible. Sigh....

Well, today I brought Grace to the mall for our weekly bookstore visit. And yes, she loves it and I love it too. She gets to read (I mean browse) through a whole lot of books and gets to hear stories (ahem...the story teller is her mummy). For me, I get to browse through 1 or 2 card making/ scrapbook magazine. I do subscribe to one magazine, but I needed more inspiration and I couldn't possibly subscribe all.

Anyway, today the little one decided to have lunch at the mall, and guess what she choose. Hot-and-roll! It's a kind of wrap with stuffing. So, we sat at the stall (and yes it's just a small little station) and finished our lunch. Then, went to buy some groceries. By the time we finished our lunch, this little one was asking me to carry her. Her reason being, "I'm too tired to walk", when she just finished her lunch...

While I carried her and walked towards the supermarket, she requested for a lollipop. So I told her, "If you want lollipop, then you come down and walk on your own". The next thing I hear, "Mummy, I want to walk on my own". Great....then while we were just starting our shopping, she wanted to wee wee. Like I said, I need to rush to the washroom. When we walk and then run towards the washroom, this little girl added a little tension by saying, "Quick, quick...I can't hold it for any longer!" Oh.....crab. I told her, "then let me carry you and then run, faster". And she replied, "No.....afterwards I don't get to buy the lollipop". LOL!


yvonne said...

Normally, I don't know how to response to this type of reply. Scratch my head? Or laugh out loud?

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

She is such a smart-wise little kid!

Liana Lioe said...

Hahaha... how innocent she is!