Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, January 15, 2010

Introducing the now English speaking China Doll....

...and she's non other than our very own, Ms Grace Chee!

Just a month of school and she's starting to speak in English. Previously we have only less than 5% of English conversation a day, but now, we're almost 55% English speaking. The impact and influence of school is so huge!

Though she's not very fluent and some of the words she may not know, she's not afraid to practice.

Here's some of her often used sentences:
- Mummy, I want to past urine.
- I'm so very very very hungry, ready.
- Mummy, I help you, ok!
- I want (a) little bit.
- Today, go (to) school, no cry.
- Very good, super good, allllllllllllllllllllllllllll yes!
- I want drink water.
And one big word that she learnt from school - "dependability" where she pronounced as "de-pan-da-bi-li-ty". While sometimes, she will direct translate from a Chinese sentence.



YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said... I would like to see some videos of her please. :)
How are you feeling my dear?

Ta Chie

Wishful Thinking said...

Wow that didn't take long ... don't kids pick up things fast.
Hope you are over the tiredness now!
Hugs R