..always started off with laughter (from Grace, Elise have not started laughing), then, almost every time it turn to cries! This is how it happens. Ms Big Sister will sing for Ms Little Sister, and as Ms Big Sister loves her little sister so much, she kiss and hug and holds her little sisters face very often. Then Ms Little Sister gets upset for being kiss, hug and held so often by the full of love creature (her big sister) and started crying, which then followed by mommy cuddling little sister and may sometimes nurse her. Then Ms Big Sister gets a little upset and jealous that mummy is attending to little sister and not accompanying her. Sigh.....
Nevertheless, both Ms Big Sister and Ms Little Sister still loves each other dearly and loves to entertain each other. Here's a video of Ms Big Sister entertaining Ms Little Sister.
Before Grace started singing (above), she was practicing her public speaking in front of little Elise. My camera was going from Grace to Elise again and again to snap a few photos and didn't realise the below until I uploaded it to my computer. Here.....

Love it... so cute for both of them.. little sister sure a smart a girl.
OMG! I can't believe so little and totally mimicking her big sister!!! She is so smart, just like that Grace!! You'll have to do a special Mommy Grace time and Mommy Elise time then maybe Big Sister won't be so jealous...good luck with that one!!
Nora, Yeogshe's Co-worker
I love how little Elise was copying Grace's moves! So so cute!
HAha... Ms Little sister learns from Ms Big sister very fast. :)
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