Well, there's no injection this month and so I do not have a very accurate statistic of her weight and length. My guess (with the help of an old scale) is that she's between 6 to 6.5kg and she's almost 68cm long.....Not much difference as compared to last month....but she's happy as can be most of the time....except for 2 occasions...
During this month, she'd had many first....first airplane ride, first immigration stamp on her passport, first Hong Kong and Disneyland experience, first ride on a cable car, first MTR ride, first Tram ride...that's a whole lot of first....
Other than that, she has also started crawling (on fours) and is now roaming every where in the house...she's not so much of a food person, don't really like to eat, especially that bowl of porridge...however she loves her Baby Bites biscuits, egg yolk and almost anything that has apple added in it...
Also in this month, she started her "teething drama"...premiering 3 days before we leave for our vacation with very high fever, doctors said that there's nothing wrong with her ears, throat, lungs...and said it was a viral fever...but I'm sure it was her teething...her fever just disappear on the 3rd day...and 4 days later when I feed her bread, I touched her 2 lower front teeth...
The drama continues....just last Friday, she decided to have a nursing strike. What "nursing strike"..you may ask. Yes...you guess it....protesting sore gums by refusing to nurse....argh...it was such a big drama, with frustrating mummy, hungry baby and a pitiful big sister....mummy was worried that Elise will be hungry, and because she refused to nurse and also eat other food...the baby is hungry and because she's hungry and grumpy, mummy needs to carry her all the time, and because mummy's hands are occupied...she couldn't accompany the big sister...and because big sister don't get to do all the activities she wants with mummy....the big sister gets grumpy....sigh.....and thank God that it was just for 2 days.....little Elise decided to end her STRIKE on Sunday evening!!
Well....I guess too many words this month....here's some photos of the little 9-month-old....
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