I'm a mother of 2 beautiful girls; Grace - a very active and cheeky girl whom will be 4 come November, and Elise - a tiny but strong baby. I have growing passion for scrapbooking and baking. Scrapbooking is part of my motherhood life now as it gives me the creativity challenge which is very much needed to keep me alive and thinking. My layouts are mainly on my dear daughters, though sometimes I scrap on random things too. I am a card maker too.
For the sake of my sister in the US, here's a blog post, with minimum writing but lots of (well not that many though) photos. My apology for some of the poor photos, Grace was moving so fast, the lighting is poor and my camera is old (...blame it on anything...wahahhaha).
Orange juice, anyone?
Her favourite, hand printing!
Gosh! She looks like she's way past 3 years old in these photos.
We got her a trolley bag. It's from Standard Chartered Choice Reward. And she loves it. She says, she's gonna go to school.
Silly clown, clowning around!
Her creature chair, which was a Christmas present (2008) from her youngest uncle. It took me about 1 hour and a very tired pair of hands to inflate the chair.
And here's a video of her with her "black" hands. Notice her mischievous expression?
Your daughter is very cute :-) Love her red chair too!
Thank you for posting the photos for me. She is such a silly little clown. She is too cute!
Ta Chie
Her photos always make me smile. She is a lovely girl.
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