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This layout is for entry into Scrappin Kids Celebrate Challenge #19. The requirements are to scrap about our lil ones birthday celebration, to include at least 4 photos, one of which needs to be black and white.
As Grace will not be celebrating her 3rd birthday for another 2 months, and I've already scrapped her 2nd birthday photos, I decided to scrap about her excitement whenever there's birthday celebration in our family. Grace loves birthday celebration, especially the candle blowing and cake cutting session. Thus, whenever there's celebration, you could only find her in 1 place.......right next to the birthday boy/ girl in front of the cake!
Here's my layout, "Your Many Birthdays" with journaling saying: "Whenever there is a birthday celebration in the family, you will always steal, no....I should say rob the "spotlight" away from the birthday person. Funny thing is, You always win!"

I decided to make the photo of her own birthday black and white to differentiate between her own celebration and those "stolen" celebration. For this photo, I've used the Soft Focus function to blur out the surrounding and bring focus to her cutting the cake.

Materials used:
Cardstock: Core'dinations, The Paper Company
Patterned paper: Cosmo Cricket Early Bird (Sunrise)
Others: Stamp - Unity Stamp Company 1,2,3,4 Thousand Calorie Cupcakes, Colours - Adirondack Dimensional Pearls, Marvy LePlume II (Victorian Set), Pearls - Kaisercraft Black Pearls, Aplhas - Basic Grey Piper Micro-Chip Alphabet, Adhesive - EK Success 3D Dots for the cupcakes
As promised, here's the mini album that I made for my friend, Siew Kean, whom is having a baby boy real soon.
For this mini album, instead of making it an album for baby's first times, I'm making it a little flexible for the parents. The mini album is meant for the baby's photos for each month, with lots and lots of space for the parents to put in journaling, be it on their feeling or the baby's milestone. At the end of the album, I've also inserted a mini accordion album for storing those extra photos.
I really hope Siew Kean and Alex will like the mini album.
And I hope it will be an eye candy for you all.
** if you wish to get a specialized mini album for yourself, baby or as a gift for a friend, visit my other blog Y-Shong Handmade Craft.
It's been a while since I blog on my crafts. Had been busy with life and had been sick for the past few weeks. Started to have occasional cough during the last week of August when Grace fell sick. Grace had recovered, but not the poor mummy. Kept on coughing until last week, did not recover, but flu came along. Seen the doctor twice, now still taking medicine, the cough had reduced, noted that it had just reduced not recovered.
Due to the medicine, I was drowsy most of the time, thus no staying up late during the night. I just couldn't take it. As such, I found myself making crafts while Grace is having her afternoon nap, which is the most 2 hours. Had been busy with a mini album for a friend's baby for the past few days. Will be sharing the photos later, when I have the strength to upload the photos.
For now, I will just share a Thank You card which I made today (and I mean Friday). This card is requested by my church Young Adult fellowship.
Here's the very simple card:

Materials used:
Cardstock - Hero Arts Kraft Note Card, Core'dination for the little tag
Patterned paper - Cosmo Cricket Earth Love collection
Others - StazOn (Rusty Brown and Olive Green), Tim Holtz Distress Ink (Antique Linen for the stamped imaged border), Darkroom Door Viva La Flora Vol 2 stamp, Grossgrain Ribbon
Yes...I'm gonna blog on toilet training again! Please just bear with me on this, I just need to document down Grace's progress.
In June I last blogged on Grace's progress in terms of toilet training, mentioned that she's almost 95% trained and also mentioned that in the next month (that is July) I will let her go without diaper when we're out. Well, I dare not. It was because, there were times (when we're at home) Grace's forget to tell us or only inform at the very last minute. That's for both the wee wee and pooh part. So, I guess it was the pride that made me backed off. Just couldn't face it if she make a puddle in public.
However, recently (very much influenced from the recent children camp that she attended**) the little one decided that it is time for her to go diaper-less. And so, she insisted (to the extend of crying and screaming) that she do not wear a diaper when we're out. She will say that she'd already grown up, no need diaper. And so, the parents had no choice but to take up the challenge (with a cloth ready in the handbag...just in case).
It had been almost a week and it goes well, even the long hours at church. However, this decision had made the mummy sprint to the nearest toilet whenever she says she wants to wee wee.
So, watch out, the next time you see somebody running towards the toilet at Queensbay Mall, it might be me! Grin.....
note** this children camp had influenced her in other ways too, stay tuned...
I'm tired of cooking the same old "rice+dishes" for Grace's lunch. Everyday, there's 1 soup, 1 vegie and 1 egg/meat (pork or chicken)/fish. Although we have different dishes everyday (but repeat in the other week), I've grown tired to preparing the same thing day in day out.
Today I woke up thinking of making something different. To be frank, I'm not very adventurous/ creative when it comes to cooking. I'm better in scrapbooking..... anyway, I look up my book of "Cooking with kids" in search of something special. Now, there's one more problem that I have. My household is also very conservative when it comes to cooking, so you could expect minimum "special" ingredients available in my kitchen. And, don't know how to find substitute.
Now what? I flipped through the pages and I saw this recipe for Basic Crepe. Now this is simple and I have all the ingredients. But, a growing toddler can't be having only crepe for lunch! So I flipped the pages again, till a recipe for some Fajitas came to sight. Then I was inspired and I knew Grace will love these.
And so I made the crepes and roasted some pork and chicken meat. Those meat are marinated first with soy sauce, garlic oil and pepper.
Grace enjoyed making a mess while I was preparing the crepes and later enjoyed making the wraps. And most of all, we had a balanced and tasty lunch. I will leave you with some photos.

After lunch, Grace flipped through the same book and said, "Let's find something to make for daddy."
A fellow scrapper and card maker, Nilla is having a couple of stamps giveaway to celebrate having 10,000 visitors on her blog, Live it - Scrap it!. Today she's featuring her first giveaway of a stamp set from Gel-รก-tins.
Go check it out!
Ok...time is up for the previous winner to claim the giveaway and so I picked another winner for the giveaway.
Looks like this giveaway is going all the way to the United States and the proud owner will be CrossView.
CrossView, please email me your snail mail address and I will get the parcel mailing.
For your info, 2 is the random number picked at

It had been a week since I announced the winner of my very first giveaway, but I have yet to hear from the winner, Karishma Israni.
I shall give Karishma Israni until Sunday (Sept 13th) 11.59 Malaysia time (GMT+8) to respond back to me. If there's still no reponse by then, I shall draw another winner.
Did I ever mention that Grace is very timid? As naughty as she is, as fierce (well, sometimes) as she is, she's really a timid girl. She's afraid of animals, especially those with loud noise, she's afraid of dark, she's afraid of big ugly fish, she's afraid to take a ride on the kiddo ride which will move and sway. There's a whole lot of things she's afraid of. Well, this trip to Genting Highlands had removed one of her fear but imposed another fear for the parents. Err...I'm exaggerating when I said fear for the parents, it's merely just headaches for the parents.
What's the fear that's removed? It's there fear of taking kiddo rides! One would ask, how?
It started of with the ride on South East Asia fastest and longest cable car (Genting Skyway). She was initially stunned and shocked as I did not pre-tuned her for the ride. She refuses to sit on her own but asked to be carried. After sometime, the fear level dropped and when we were on our way down, she was sitting on her own and chatting all the way.
Genting Skyway

Next, we had a very long walk and wait to check into our hotel room. By then, Grace had already had a preview of the outdoor theme park and very eager to get into action. But we want her to take a nap. So she took a very short nap. Extremely eager to get into action. Spent RM88 for 2 adult entry to the Outdoor Theme Park and we're all set to let our little princess try out the rides. It was very misty that evening.
We took the first Merry-Go-Round ride and Grace was not so keen with the ride. You could see in her facial expression.

Then she started warming up for the next few more exciting rides. Photos say it all.

Err...oh seems that the parents are more excited in these photos.
After those rides, we came to one that really took Grace's breath away. The antique car. These are cars on a track, with steering wheels and a paddle (well kind of) for us to step on. We could control the speed but not the direction in this one. Grace totally loves it! We took 5 or was it 6 rides. And here's the little driver.

Then daddy has his turn in Archery.

After that, we walked to the Children Rides area, where kids ride on their own. Initially Grace refuses to ride on her own and told us she doesn't want to ride. So we walked away, but later she said she wanted not 1 but 2 rides. Guess she must have worked away her fear.

After dinner, Grace found the ride that she love most. The kiddo car ride. It is meant for kids below the height of 110cm. And she had 4 rides that night and many more (completing the whole array of cars) the next morning.

And since then, every time we see a kiddo ride, she will want to take a ride, not while it is not moving like last time, but requested us to put in money so that the ride could move! Now, that's one headache to us!