Yesterday, Maurice's secretary had made phone call to the airport to check on how early we should be at the airport for security check. As Olympics is just around the corner, there are very tight security checks at the airport. I guess is to ensure everything is safe. We were told to arrive at the airport 3 hours before our scheduled flight. Our flight, MH387 is scheduled for departure at 10.15 in the morning. That means we need to be at the airport by 7.15am, which means we need to leave home at about 6.30am, which also means that we need to wake up real early in the morning, like 5.45am. Wow...that's early. Grace ended up waking up at 6.00am.
So we managed to reach the airport by 7.15am. Maurice drove us to the international departure terminal. Now, this is a new terminal. Previously they have just one terminal for both domestic and international departures. Back then, it was so crowded. With the new terminal, the airport now does not look so crowded. The terminal is bigger. Like this one. Here's some photos of the terminal.
Once at the airport, we went through the security check at the entrance. Then looked for the Malaysia Airlines check-in counters. Found it and on we go. No, no, no....the counters were not open yet. It will only open 2 and 1/2 hours before the scheduled departure time. Waited for a while and was always on the look out for the counters to open. Was second on the line. Grin...just can't wait to get everything in. We have 5 luggage totalling to 61kg.
After checking-in we went straight on to immigration clearance, going through security check one after another. Finally we are in and waiting to board the plan. Real early, it was just around 8.30am.
While we were waiting, we met a Malaysian couple with a young toddler. Th
Later on, we board the plane. With Grace travelling with us, we have the privilege of being one of the few to board the plane first. I wanted a window bassinet seat, but to my dismay, both window seat were already taken. One by Shyuen Shyuen's parents and the other by a couple whom do not have baby or kid travelling with them. I really think that airline companies should reserve bassinets seats for passenger whom are travelling with young children. Nevertheless, I still got the bassinet row (row 11) but centre seat, 11E and 11F right in the middle!
When everybody boarded the plane, I noticed that we (mom and I) were seated in between two men. will be not convenient and embarrassing to breast feed! So I asked the stewardess to help me find another seating. Found it and we changed place. It was at row 18 and 3 seats with another seat taken by a lady. Great!
Once we have our seating settled, both mom and I had to find numerous ways and tricks to entertain Grace so that she can quietly go through the whole journey. I feel like I am the most troublesome passenger on board. Keep on asking for assistance for this and that. Grin, grin, grin. We managed to get through the whole journey and at last we are Home Sweet Home!
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