I don't know where Grace gets her drawing talent! Both hubby and I can't draw (or may be we can, just not discovered?!?) For some reason, I found that she's very interested in this area (drawing, crafting, colours) than in other areas, of course, she's also very much talented in singing. You would be amazed with how many song lyrics she could memorized! Well, back to the drawing part, she's always on the look out for my crafting things and will bug me really well to get her hands on it. Yesterday she had a great time with my dimensional pearls (but unfortunately, I don't have photos taken). Anyway, here's some of her recent drawings.
Here's 3 photos of her smiley faces (with body and feet),
which she saw in her Hi-5

Take a guess what this is.
I initially thought it was some kind of a balloon.
Then Grace told me, it's a rubbish bin with a broken lamp in it! LOL
Did she tell you who those people are? You do have an artist!
Nope, but she told me it's like the ones singing "Feelings go up...." a song from Hi-5
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