My brother-in-law, Maurice took me and Grace there. The admission fee was super expensive at RMB150 per person. First impression of the and beautiful. The exterior of the tower was lighten up with colourful lights.

Bought the ticket and in we go. There's this dance performance at the atrium. Grace was kinda attracted to the music and dancing. So have to force her to keep on walking. Once inside the tower, we are hushed through a security check. Similar to those they have at the airport and no liquid is allowed too, except those in baby feeding bottles. Then quickly into the elevator which take us to the viewing deck at 263m. They have this so-called tour guide to tell us where the elevator is taking us. But, I think the lady talk like a robot, with no expression at all. And they are not friendly at all. No smile from them!
Once there at the viewing deck, we took photos and sight-see the night scenery of Shanghai. Really!
After that, we took another elevator to the 350m level to see the whole set of scenery again but from a higher point.

Then we took the elevator back to the 263m level so as to transfer lift to get to the 90m level. At this level, there's a space centre and an outdoor viewing deck.

Grace was happily following us and posting for photos at first. But later on she's fed-up with photo shooting and don't even bother to look at the camera, or is there something else that attracts her?
Overall, it was a great adventure travelling high up into the sky in high speed elevator!
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